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#1 Speech-Retention of Gen Z and Millennials

three men sitting on chair beside tables
three men sitting on chair beside tables

Keynote Speech Topics

Dr. Wiggins is an exceptional speaker who specializes in managing and engaging Gen Z and Millennials effectively, ensuring organizations and classrooms receive the best return on their investment. With a captivating presence and dynamic delivery, Dr. Wiggins not only motivates but also provides ground-breaking resources that are crucial in guiding these generation groups. His expertise in understanding the unique characteristics and needs of Gen Z and Millennials enables him to offer innovative strategies for retention and motivation. By implementing his insights, organizations and classrooms can create an environment that fosters growth, productivity, and overall success among these generations. Dr. Wiggins' ability to inspire and provide actionable solutions makes him an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to navigate the challenges of managing and maximizing the potential of Gen Z and Millennials.

men's white dress shirt
men's white dress shirt

#3 Bridging the generation from Baby Boomers to Gen Z

Gain a completely new way to understand and value each generation that creates a mindset for possibility, trust, and collaboration among the organization.

Dr. Wiggins is a genuine speaker who has the ability to inspire and motivate any audience. With his expertise in various areas of organizational development, he can provide specific actions tailored to your organization's needs. Whether it's recruitment strategies, retaining valuable employees, or improving communication within the company, Dr. Wiggins will deliver customized solutions that will have a lasting impact. His dynamic and engaging speaking style will leave your audience inspired and ready to take action. With Dr. Wiggins' guidance, your organization will be equipped with the tools and strategies necessary to thrive in today's competitive business landscape.

a man and a child sitting on the beach
a man and a child sitting on the beach

#2 Aligning your Business to save $100'000 's in Retention and Knowledge Loss

Dr. Wiggins is a captivating speaker who knows how to engage and inspire his audience. Whether it's in a small team meeting or a large conference, he has a unique ability to connect with people and leave them feeling motivated. What sets Dr. Wiggins apart is his expertise in tailoring his message to address the specific needs of your organization. Whether you're struggling with recruiting new talent, retaining your current employees, or improving communication within your team, Dr. Wiggins will provide you with practical and actionable steps to achieve your goals. His personalized approach ensures that his advice is relevant and applicable to your unique situation. By the end of his presentation, you'll not only feel inspired, but you'll also have a clear path forward to implement positive changes within your organization.

Dr. Jason Wiggins is a renowned Speaker/Consultant/Author who specializes in motivating, inspiring, attracting and retaining Gen Z and Millennials in the classroom and the workforce. With his unique insights and expertise, he can help your business or university unlock the potential of the younger generations.